all about baby care and pregnancy care and yes about moms.......
(too old to reply)
2006-08-01 06:40:33 UTC
we_care4moms http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/we_care4moms/ Mother
and baby health is very important, pregnancy needs care and patience.
Our group will discuss and tries to solve pregnancy and baby care
related issues and problems. Young mothers always need guidance as how
to take care of their baby and themselves. We also discuss post natal
and prenatal problems and early pregnancy issues, baby diet, baby
health and all such issues which are related to mothers and babies.
please join my group. I also run mother and baby care websites, please
register yourself at www.luckyamaan.com/ its forum is very active and
effective hope you will gain needed information, you can shop for your
baby and yourself on www.best4babies.com
2006-08-01 08:14:25 UTC
During the digestive process, your body converts carbohydrates, found
in starchy foods such as potatoes and pasta, into sugar. Your body does
this by breaking-down the carbohydrate molecule with alpha amylase, an
enzyme that is produced in the pancreas.

These sugar calories are either burned off, through exercise, or stored
as fat cells for future use. Unfortunately, inactivity means that these
stored fat cells accumulate. The result is weight

Phase 2® , an exclusive, all-natural nutritional ingredient extracted
from white kidney beans, "neutralizes" the digestive enzyme alpha
amylase before it can convert starch into glucose and then fat.
Essentially, it allows the carbohydrates to pass through the system
possibly with less caloric intake.
2013-05-29 03:51:20 UTC
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