Stop Fluoride Supplements
(too old to reply)
2012-08-17 09:49:04 UTC
Even the AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry) says that giving fluoride supplements to children under 8 (and living within areas with fluoridated water supple) may cause dental fluorosis. http://bit.ly/PieczU
Stop Fluoride Supplements for Children Under Age 7 Says Canadian Dental
New York., May 24 /PRNewswire/ -- To avoid permanent tooth
discoloration, the Canadian Dental Association advises against decay fighting
supplement use for children before their permanent teeth erupt, at
about 6 or 7 years old.
There is "...weak scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of
fluoride supplements." This was reported at a Canadian Consensus Conference
on the Appropriate Use of Fluoride Supplements. "The use of fluoride
supplements before the eruption of the first permanent tooth is generally not
recommended," says recently released CDA fluoride supplement guidelines and
announced world-wide on the internet-based dental-public-health listserv, a
forum for government and academic public health dentists and other fluoride
policy makers.
"Studies show that tooth decay is declining in both fluoridated and non-
fluoridated areas while dental fluorosis (white spotted, yellow or brown
stained and sometimes crumbly teeth) is increasing, more so in fluoridated
areas," says lawyer Paul Beeber, President of the New York State Coalition
Opposed to Fluoridation. "Furthermore, fluoride poses harmful systemic
damageas well as dental damage," says Beeber.
"New research shows that swallowed fluoride carries little, if any,
benefit," says Canada's leading fluoride authority, dentist Hardy Limeback,
head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto, and
past-president of the Canadian Association for Dental Research. "Fluoride's
enamel strengthening effects are primarily topical, or when fluoride touches
the outside of the tooth," says Limeback. "Fluoride's adverse effects occur
upon ingestion. Fluoride gets into every cell of the body and can especially
damage the bones and teeth."
"Half of all ingested fluoride remains in the skeletal system and
accumulates with age," says Limeback. "Studies have linked fluoridation to
hip fractures and high levels of naturally-occurring water fluoride to
crippling skeletal fluorosis, a bone deforming arthritic-type disease endemic
to India," says Limeback.
A study in progress by Limeback shows that residents of fluoridated
Toronto have double the fluoride in their hip bones than residents of non-
fluoridated Montreal. "Worse, we discovered that fluoride is actually
altering the basic architecture of human bones," says Limeback. Ironically,
"Here in Toronto we've been fluoridating for 36 years. Yet Vancouver, which
has never fluoridated, has a cavity rate lower than Toronto's," says
Limeback. "Current fluoridation studies show that the benefit of fluoride
added to
water is minuscule but it has increased dental fluorosis. We are now
spendingmore money treating dental fluorosis than we would spend treating new
decay if
water fluoridation halted," says Limeback.
Children have become over-saturated with fluoride from food and beverages
made in fluoridated cities, from the overuse or misuse of a growing number of
fluoridated dental products, from fluoride containing pesticide residues in
food, from industrial fluoride air emissions and from some
fluoride-containingmedicines, anesthetics and other products. Fluoride is
also inhaled via ocean
mist (ocean water and fish contain 1.4 ppm fluoride) and through showers and
humidifiers using fluoridated water. Fluoride is found naturally in some
foods like tea.
"The safety of long-term fluoride ingestion has not been proven," says
Limeback. "The notion that systemic fluorides are needed in non-fluoridated
areas is an outdated one that should be abandoned altogether." says Limeback.
The American Dental Association (ADA) still recommends fluoride
supplements (which have never been FDA safety approved) for children from 6
months to 16 years old in non or low-
fluoridated communities. "The ADA is clinging to outmoded ideas," says
Beeber. "And they are trailing behind the CDA by failing to protect our
"Fluoride supplements and water fluoridation must stop immediately," says
Dr. Hardy Limeback, http://www.fluoridealert.org/limeback.htm
Paul Beeber, Esq., NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation
2012-08-17 12:39:26 UTC
Studies of Fluoride Supplements: No Evidence of Safety - No Benefit Either and Never FDA Approved

According to the Cochrane Oral Health Group, fluoride supplements fail to reduce tooth decay in primary teeth, permanent teeth cavity- reduction is dubious and health risks are little studied (1). Further, "When fluoride supplements were compared with topical fluorides or
with other preventive measures, there was no differential effect on permanent or deciduous teeth," write Cochrane researchers Ismail et

Fluoride supplements are routinely prescribed to children who don't live in water fluoridated communities. They are endorsed and encouraged by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) even though science says they do not work.

The Cochrane research team reports, "We rated 10 trials as being at
unclear risk of bias and one at high risk of bias, and therefore the
trials provide weak evidence about the efficacy of fluoride
supplements." The team "found limited information on the adverse
effects associated with the use of fluoride supplements."

In the early 1980's, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation research first
revealed fluoride tablets and mouth rinses failed to reduce tooth

But this inconvenient fact is still ignored by the CDC.

"Obviously, the CDC's fluoride supplement endorsement cannot be
trusted because there is no science to support it," says attorney Paul
Beeber, NYSCOF President. "Further, CDC fails to effectively
communicate its own warning to not mix infant formula with fluoridated
water (10). Why should we trust CDC's fluoridation endorsements?" asks

Fluoride supplements "have not been found by FDA to be safe or
effective," according to the US National Library of Medicine.(3)

Before testing was required, fluoride supplements slipped into common
usage without FDA approval (4) based on the presumed safety and
effectiveness of water fluoridation. But, tooth decay crises occur in
all fluoridated cities, states and countries. (4a) and fluoridation's
safety is deeply in doubt. (4b)

A 2008 Journal of the American Dental Association systematic review
reported that fluoride supplements deliver no benefits to primary
teeth but increase dental fluorosis risk - white spotted, yellow,
brown and/or pitted teeth (5) now afflicting almost half of
adolescents, according to the CDC.

A meta-analysis in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology (2/99)
reported: "In non-fluoridated communities, the use of fluoride
supplements during the first 6 years of life is associated with a
significant increase in the risk of developing dental fluorosis." (6)

"It is therefore concluded that the risks of using supplements in
infants and young children outweigh the benefits…fluoride supplements
should no longer be used for young children in North America," writes
Burt (Fall 1999 Journal of Public Health Dentistry). (7)

Belgium stopped selling fluoride supplements in 2002 because
documentation revealed that fluoride can cause physical and
neurological harm with little evidence of decay reduction.(8)

According to the National Library of Medicine, fluoride's side effects include: (9)

staining of teeth
unusual increase in saliva
salty or soapy taste
stomach pain
upset stomach

The FDA asks that fluoride drug side effects, including dental
fluorosis, be reported at https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/medwatch/medwatch-online.htm
or [1-800-332-1088].

Despite growing scientific evidence that shows ingesting fluoride does
not reduce tooth decay and can be harmful to health, including
lowering IQ, it seems the CDC has convinced the Pew Charitable Trust
to use its lobbying power and political clout to force more fluoride
into Americans via the water supply, even where voters rejected
fluoridation. (11)


1) “Fluoride supplements (tablets, drops, lozenges or chewing gums)
for preventing dental caries in children,” Cochrane Oral Health Group,
Published Online: Dec 7 2011

2) http://www.scalaw.com/faqs/resources/info/Forbes_Dentistry_Article.pdf

3) http://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?id=20443

4) “Guidance for FDA Staff and Industry Marketed Unapproved Drugs “
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) June 2006

5) http://jada.ada.org/content/139/11/1457.full

6) Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 1999 Feb, “Fluoride supplements and
fluorosis: a meta-analysis,” Ismail and Badekar

7) "The case for eliminating the use of dietary fluoride supplements
for young children," Journal of Public Health Dentistry, Fall 1999,
Burt http://tinyurl.com/2bnoff

8) http://www.fluoride-journal.com/02-35-3/353-212.pdf

8a) http://www.ecels-healthychildcarepa.org/content/3-17-11%20v13vol%2023%20winter%202011%20HL%20ONLINE.pdf

9) http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/meds/a682727.html

10) http://www.FormulaFluoride.Webs.com

11) http://news.yahoo.com/york-state-may-waste-medicaid-dollars-fluoridation-210207781.html