Post by AbiCan I just pose this question to those people who have given birth
(either at home or hospital) who did not have any pain relief drugs
/medication and who regretted this decision (ie because the pain was
so bad)? By drugs I mean epidurals, mobile epidurals, pethidine etc -
(not asprin!). Would you or did you ever decide that for the next
birth you had/will have, opt to have drugs for pain relief?
Didn't have drugs and didn't regret not having drugs,
so I don't quite fit your criteria, but I wanted to mention
a few things:
1) I think it would be quite rare for someone to not have
drugs and regret it under normal circumstances. Either
you're unmedicated and reasonably happy with the situation,
or you're not happy with it. If you're not happy with
the situation, you will likely *do* something about that!
Even if you're at home, you can choose to go to the
hospital for drugs. The only reason I can think of
that one would go unmedicated and regret it would be
if you wanted drugs and they were unavailable. This
rarely happens, though it is possible (e.g., it's
a small hospital and when you want an epidural the
anesthesiologist is busy with someone else, or you
have some contraindication for an epidural, or you
decide you want drugs too late for them to get
administered before you have the baby).
2) While I'm sure there must be someone out there, I
don't think I've ever heard of anyone who planned
an unmedicated birth, had one, and regretted it.
The overwhelming majority of women who have successful
homebirths go on to choose homebirth again
(circumstances permitting).
I hear you struggling with the issue of whether or not
you want an unmedicated birth, but I wonder why you're
struggling with this? It sounds like you really want
at least the possibility of an unmedicated birth, so
why not just prepare and plan for an unmedicated birth
to give you your best chance at getting what you want,
and then change your mind if it seems warranted at
the time? You can virtually *always* get drugs if
you want them, even if you plan a homebirth. You'll
just have to transport to the hospital in that case,
but that's hardly the end of the earth. After all,
if you plan a hospital birth, you'll still have to
"transport" to the hospital at some point during your
labor ;-)
There really isn't any way to know in advance
what your labor will be like. With a first baby, there
is a higher chance that your labor will be really long,
which can sometimes lead to exhaustion and an inability
to cope with pain (or not--my first labor was 45 hours
long and I was just fine without drugs). Since you
can't know what your labor will be like, you just have
to decide how you want to approach things to maximize
the odds that you'll get what you want. You can plan
for the worst case scenario, but that will nearly
guarantee that you won't have an unmedicated birth.
But what's the downside of planning for the better
case scenario? Since it's very unlikely you'll run
into problems getting drugs if you want them, what's
the downside of making decisions that maximize the
likelihood of going without drugs? If you're worried
about feeling disappointed or having others say, "I
told you so," just don't tell others what you're planning
and give yourself permissing to make the choices you
feel you need while in labor ;-)
Best wishes,